[키캡/keycaps] GMK Nautilus Nightmares

2019. 7. 22. 21:03키보드정보/Keycaps

- 긱핵 링크 : https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=97325.0


[IC] GMK Nautilus Nightmares

Just for extra clarification: don't expect the set to come any time soon, at all. In fact, don't even expect the set to reach the group buy stage. Please, do not take that for granted. I know that with all these renders it might sound weird, but that's how



- 공제 프록시 

  + US : https://novelkeys.xyz/


 - 키캡구성 및 렌더

- 공제가

  ++  US - 미정



- 공제기간

 2019. *


- 예상배송기간



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