[키캡/keycaps] GMK Umbra

2019. 10. 28. 23:14키보드정보/Keycaps

- 긱핵 링크 : https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=102037.0


[IC] GMK Umbra - Theme Update, Final IC Form, Pricing Soon, Nov. 1-30

Very interesting choice of colors. I wonder if yellow legends for F1..F4 and F9..F12 could be included, too (or not). The above said, I'd like to point out a minor error in ISO support in the base kit, as it stands now: you have an 1.25U Shift key (good),


- 공제 기간 : 2019. 11. 01 - 2019.11. 30 

- 공제 프록시 

  + https://kono.storehttps://kono.store/products/gmk-umbra

  + https://www.deskhero.ca/products/gmk-umbra

  + https://mykeyboard.eu/catalogue/category/group-buys/gmk-umbra_212/

  + https://dailyclack.com/collections/keycaps/products/gmk-umbra?variant=31039348277303

 - 키캡구성 및 렌더

Base Kit $145

 Spacebar Kit $30

Hiragana Kit $70

Deskmat $17

Cable ??

RAMA Cap $45

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