[키캡/keycaps] GMK Terra

2019. 10. 28. 23:41키보드정보/Keycaps

- 긱핵 링크 : https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=101826.0


[IC] GMK Terra | Rama Caps added & GB starts Nov 4th

Love the novelties! Just a heads up, link to the google form might be broken. Not hyperlinked for me. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


- 공제 기간 : 2019. 11. 04 - 12. 01

- 공제 프록시 

  + https://dixiemech.com/gmkterra

  + https://mykeyboard.eu/catalogue/category/group-buys/gmk-terra_216/

  + https://dailyclack.com/collections/group-buys/products/gmk-terra

  + https://ilumkb.com/collections/groupbuy/products/group-buy-gmk-terra


 - 키캡구성 및 렌더

base $130

Novelties $42


Spacebar $25


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