2019. 7. 19. 22:28ㆍ키보드정보/Keycaps
- 긱핵 링크 : https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=101419.0
[GB] GMK Peaches n Cream | GB ends August 1st!! Artisan collabs!
Hey everyone, we’re well on our way to hitting the 250 MOQ, and Rensuya and I wanted to do something special if we hit 500, so the base kit price will drop to $139.99 on CannonKeys if we hit 500 units sold! Everyone who purchases at the $149.99 price will
- 공제 프록시
+ US : https://cannonkeys.com/products/gb-gmk-peaches-n-cream
+ EU : https://candykeys.com/group-buys/gmk-pnc
+ Oceania : https://dailyclack.com/collections/keycaps/products/gmk-peaches-n-cream
+ Asia : https://ilumkb.com/products/gmk-peach-and-cream?variant=22602573545554
- 키캡구성 및 렌더
- 공제가
++ US - Base $149.99 / Spacebars $23.99 / 40s Ortho $41.99 / RAMA $38
++ EU - Base €132 / Spacebars €23 / 40s Ortho €46.00
++ Oceania - Base $225 / Spacebars $32.80 / 40s Ortho $65.80 / RAMA $67.35
++ ASIA - Base $215 / Spacebars $32 / 40s Ortho $65 / RAMA $59
- 공제기간
2019. 07. 01 ~ 2019. 08. 01
- 예상배송기간
2019. 11. *
'키보드정보 > Keycaps' 카테고리의 다른 글
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